10 Kitchen Ingredients That Work Like Medicines

10 Kitchen Ingredients That Work Like Medicines

Mother Nature has actually offered us with numerous natural items which assist us to endure a healthy diet in her lap. Several of these products are a quite valuable component of our food as well as are really typically discovered as well as included in our household kitchen. Besides including taste to our food they likewise enhance our immune system. The medical buildings of these components can be made use of as when required as they are effortlessly available in our kitchen.

Here Are The 10 Household kitchen Active ingredients That Function Like Medicines:
1) Garlic:

Garlic is one of the most frequently discovered and also easily available food in our household kitchen. Adding taste to our food it likewise has some amazing medical residential properties. Squashed or chewed garlic has a compound called allicin. The apartments of allicin are similar to penicillin. Garlic concerns the family of red onion. Besides its antibiotic commercial properties, it is additionally anti-inflammatory, antiviral, ant parasitic as well as anti fungal in nature. It likewise acts as anti-oxidants and also includes radicals which can cure even cancer. Garlic has actually been used since old times to treat numerous conditions from mild to extreme. It is an excellent remedy for coughing, chilly and also irritation. It is packed with vitamins and nutrients which are crucial for healthy and balanced body.

2) Honey:

Honey was made use of by soldiers during fight for dealing with the injuries. It has incredible levels of antioxidants as well as alleviative powers. The antibacterial and also anti-inflammatory commercial properties are well understood to the entire world for numerous years. Honey has enzyme called hydrogen peroxide which increases up the body immune system of our physical body. It helps the body to eliminate against infections and avoids microbial growth. It likewise cleanses our physical body by eliminating toxins. It aids correct performance of liver. Honey especially raw honey in combination with cinnamon shows an exceptional solution to reinforce white blood cells.

3) Cabbage:

Cabbage is a preferred veggie very commonly prepared in our cooking area. Cabbage comes from cruciferous family members. Broccoli and kale are also the members of this household. All these participants have sulfur components which are found to be really efficient cancer cells competitors. Cabbage is a rich resource of vitamin C. Almost 75 % of our day-to-day needs of Vitamin C is satisfied by one cup cabbage. Cabbage has a natural antibacterial residential property. Intake of raw shredded cabbage in salad or a glass of cabbage juice with honey helps in correct digestion, enhancing booster shot system and balancing weight.

4) Grapefruit Seed Extract:

Grapefruit seed essence has a really powerful medicinal equipment. It works versus different strains of bacteria, fungus as well as bloodsuckers. It is an exceptional alkalizer which boosts our digestion capacity as well as boosts resistance. It is additionally extremely beneficial in treatment of Alzheimer’s condition and low blood pressure. It additionally cleanses blood thus avoids blood poisoning.

5) Apple Cider Vinegar:

It is additionally an excellent antibiotic in raw form. It has as a superb anti irritation residential property. It treats heart problem and also reduces the effects of contaminants of our body. It likewise helps in minimizing weight. It comforts arthritis pain and warm flushes. It additionally helps in decreasing cholesterol level. At often times it is used as disinfectant and also sanitizing agent.

6) Echinacea:

It is a natural antibacterial. It is extremely reliable in dealing with cold and also influenza. It is used as medicine because ancient times and is well known as tribal medication. It is likewise useful in up keeping immune system.

7) Ginger:

Ginger is really generally located in household kitchen. The ginger juice along with honey is excellent in dealing with coughing and cold as a result of seasonal adjustment. It works in treatment of ear. The ginger juice functions as an amazing ear decrease. It is also reliable in therapy of ulcer.

8) Turmeric:

It is a natural antiseptic. It could be applied instantly on a cut or injury to stop blood loss. The antibacterial homes of turmeric help in allergic reactions. Turmeric includes curcumin which controls various physical body functions. Including preference to each of our dishes, it is also extremely efficient in bad coughing and also cold.

9) Extra Virgin Coconut Oil:

Extra virgin coconut oil is packed with antimicrobial as well as anti fungus real properties. The high amount of system preserves thyroid balance and also blood glucose levels. This unbelievable gift of nature is safe for both outside and internal usage. A dose of extra virgin coconut oil in our early morning energy consume be it tea, coffee or protein shake will definitely charge our body for a stimulated day ahead.

10) Oregano Oil:

Just like all various other prescription antibiotics, oregano oil is also antibacterial, anti parasitic and anti fungal in nature. It is likewise safe to make use of both on the surface as well as inside as well as works for breathing and digestion troubles. It has antioxidants called as flavanoids and phenols making it potential for building up of body immune system. Oregano includes taste to our food thus making it tastier as well as healthier.

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Got High Blood Pressure? Try This 2-Ingredient Tea!

Got High Blood Pressure? Try This 2-Ingredient Tea!

Blood pressure is defined as an amount of strength that pushes against the walls of arteries to get blood through the body. If this strength is too strong for too long, it will weaken arterial walls over time.

In America, 70 million people (or 1 of every 3) have high blood pressure. In Canada, it’s 1 in 6.

Hypertension increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, atherosclerosis, and kidney failure. Managing this condition is, therefore, critical not just for all-around health and feeling good, but to prevent life-threatening illness.

Medications increase the risk of cancer

According to studies, taking the most commonly prescribed medications – calcium channel blockers (Amlodipine, Verapamil, Diltiazem) – for an extended period puts you at risk of developing cancer 2 and a half times that of someone who doesn’t and the odds increase as you age.

Two types of hypertension

Hypertension can be genetic or acquired through a high-risk lifestyle. There are 2 types of hypertension essential (primary) and secondary. In the case of essential hypertension, there’s no possible cause and it gradually develops over many years. Secondary hypertension is usually connected with other conditions such as:

Kidney problems
Thyroid problems
Obstructive sleep apnea
Adrenal gland tumors
Certain congenital blood defects
The risk factors for high blood pressure include:

Excessive use of alcohol or drugs of any kind
Race – high blood pressure is more common in African Americans than white Americans
Sedentary lifestyle
Tobacco use
Chronic vitamin D and/or potassium deficiency over time
Too much salt
Other chronic conditions such as diabetes and kidney disease
Medications for high blood pressure can kill you faster than hypertension itself, so what can you do?

There is a lot you can do!

How to manage high blood pressure

According to many studies, high intake of fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of heart disease with demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects due to the group of phytonutrients known as anthocyanins.

In order to manage high blood pressure:

Reduce your salt intake: Reduced salt intake can delay or prevent the incidence of antihypertensive therapy, can promote blood pressure reduction, and may represent a simple cost-saving mediator to reduce cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.

Exercise: Exercise is a foundation therapy for the prevention, treatment, and control of hypertension.

Avoid foods that worsen hypertension, like alcohol, processed meats, ramen noodles, and anything with high sodium content.

Below is a recipe for hypertension tea that is delicious and will provide nutrients to reduce blood pressure.

Celery contains phthalides, phytonutrients that act to reduce constriction in artery walls, allowing increased blood flow.

Red dates contain high levels of potassium, a nutrient known to lessen the effects of sodium in the bloodstream, thereby reducing blood pressure.

2 – Ingredient Tea

7 ounces of organic celery
2 ounces red dates
2 quarters water

Wash and clean celery and red dates.
Cut celery into small sections.
Put all ingredients in a soup pot and simmer for 30 minutes.
Strain the chunks from the liquid.
Drink the tea as often as possible.

2 Tablespoons A Day And Goodbye Belly Fat. This Drink Will Burns Stomach Fat Immediately!!!

2 Tablespoons A Day And Goodbye Belly Fat. This Drink Will Burns Stomach Fat Immediately!!!

The extra stubborn fat around the stomach is almost usually a result of the lazy bowel syndrome. Fatty deposits build up in the stomach and slow down the detoxification of the body. Therefore, nutritionists suggest a drink that should be solution to this problem.



125 g of horseradish
3 lemons (before use, place them in a container filled with water and a tablespoon of vinegar for 10 minutes to wash away pesticides)
3 tablespoons honey

In a blender add 125 grams of horseradish and blend it well. Cut the lemons (unpeeled), remove the seeds, and add them in the blender. Mix everything together until you get a smooth consistency. Then, add three tablespoons of honey and mix everything well.
Keep this drink in a sealed jar in the fridge.


Take one teaspoon of this balm twice a day with meals for 3 weeks.

Why is horseradish good for the health and his health benefits?   

Horseradish roots and leaves have been well known to bring health benefits for hundreds of years. Horseradish contains more than 10-fold higher glucosinolates than broccoli, so you do not need much horseradish to benefit. In fact, a little dab on your steak will go a long way to providing important health benefits.

The glucosinolates in the horseradish have the potential to increase human resistance to cancer and environmental toxins. They have powerful antioxidant properties and can also be used to relieve sinus and respiratory distress. Glucosinolates also act as natural antibiotics against different types of infections because of their known toxicity to specific bacteria and fungi, as well as their ability to increase blood flow to the infected area and more rapidly remove the waste products from that region of the body.

Why is lemon good for the health and his health benefits?

Lemons are acidic to the taste, but are alkaline forming in the body. In fact, they are one of the most alkaline forming foods that make them great for balancing a highly acidic condition in the body. Lemons are a favorite all over the world and an essential food in kitchens around the world. The lemon is a wonderful stimulant to the liver and is a dissolvent of uric acid and other poisons liquefies the bile.

The lemon peel contains the potent phytonutrient tangeretin, which has been proven to be effective for brain disorders like Parkinson’s disease. Lemon is high in vitamin C and other antioxidants can help the immune system battle germs that cause a cold or flu. Maintaining a healthy diet high in fruits and vegetables is especially important during the winter months when physical activity levels tend to drop.

Why is honey good for the health and his health benefits?

Honey is a sweet liquid produced by honey bees using nectar from flowers through a process of regurgitation and evaporation. Honey contains flavonoids, antioxidants which help reduce the risk of some cancers and heart disease. Recent research shows that honey treatment may help disorders such as ulcers and bacterial gastroenteritis. Honey helps with coughs, particularly buckwheat honey. In a study of 110 children, a single dose of buckwheat honey was just as effective as a single dose of dextromethorphan in relieving nocturnal cough and allowing proper sleep.

How To Lose Weight From Hips And Buttocks

How To Lose Weight From Hips And Buttocks

Find out how to slim the hips and buttocks due to diet and exercises aimed to sit and hips.

Losing weight on hips and buttocks:

We discover how to lose weight on hips and buttocks is through proper diet, is doing the right exercise to streamline the hips and butt. Unfortunately most women have a tendency to see focus its fat in these two points, but with power and targeted exercises can greatly improve the situation.

Hips, buttocks and inner thighs are always points where fat is deposited, so we have to work hard if we want to lose weight in these delicate areas. That’s all the advice that will help us.

Exercises To Lose Weight On Hips And Buttocks
Walk – Aerobic activity helps you lose weight on the hips and buttocks, even an activity as simple as walking can therefore be very useful if our goal is to lose weight. Of course we cannot be content with quiet walks; we have to walk briskly without stopping.

Race – The race, just like a nice walk, it is ideal to slim down and hips. We ask for help to develop a workout that is truly effective and that we can carry out without being hurt.

Cycling – For those who love cycling have toned buttocks and slim hips is easier, the two wheels are in fact a very good exercise that allows you to stay in shape while having fun, we can in fact organize many fun trips.

Foods To Avoid To Lose Weight On Hips And Buttocks
Meats – The meats are the number one enemy of the anti dietary fat on the hips and buttocks. Precisely why their consumption should be reduced to a minimum and possibly limited to lean and fat free ham.

Food – The preservatives are not good for the diet or health. If we’re trying to lose weight (and no matter where) it is better to opt for fresh food, or to season and remember that the other secret is range of foods.

Cheeses – The cheeses are delicious, but especially seasoned ones are very bad for our diet, not to mention that also negatively affect cholesterol. Better still fresh cheese, maybe a nice ricotta spread on bread or with pasta.

The last tip for losing weight on the hips and buttocks is drink constantly throughout the day. In this way we will facilitate the elimination of fats and toxins.

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One Herb Helps To Stop Hair Loss And Boosts Hair Growth, Try This

One Herb Helps To Stop Hair Loss And Boosts Hair Growth, Try This

Natural hair loss is a common side-effect of aging, when our hair follicles start shrinking and start producing thinner hairs with a shorter life cycle. However, there are certain methods and treatments which may help you slow down this hair loss process and even accelerate future growth. When it comes to hair growth the best way to achieve it is to use natural remedies and ingredients. They are effective and don’t contain any chemicals which can often have the opposite effect.

Stop Hair Loss And Boost Hair Growth With Just One Herb! 100% Effective

Scientific research has shown that rosemary may be the best herb for stopping hair loss and stimulating hair growth at the same time. This property is mostly due to the fact that rosemary has the ability to improve circulation in the scalp and kick start the hair growing process. Here are some of its major benefits:

Stimulates and improves circulation to the scalp thus encouraging hair growth
It has antibacterial properties so it gently cleanses hair
Increases shine
Fights premature graying
Relieves irritated, dry, flaky, dandruff ridden scalps
Here’s how you can use rosemary and forget about hair loss forever:
Shampoo your hair with rosemary every day

For everyday hair care add some rosemary essential oil to your shampoo or conditioner. Add 2 drops of the oil for every 30ml of shampoo or conditioner. If you don’t wash your hair every day then just apply the conditioner. Just wet your hair, apply the conditioner and rinse like you normally do.

Everyday massage

You can also use rosemary oil to massage your scalp and stimulate new hair growth. Add two drops of rosemary essential oil to 30ml of some base oil, like jojoba or coconut and mix it well. Rub the mixture onto your scalp and massage it for about 3-5 minutes before you wash your hair.

Hot oil treatment once a week

You can use this amazing hot oil treatment once a week. For this treatment you’ll need 50ml of base oil and 5 drops of rosemary oil. Mix the oils in a small jar and close the jar with a lid. Place the jar in a pan with boiling water so that the oils can heat up. Start gradually massaging your scalp with the tips of your fingers (your hair needs to be dry) for a few minutes. Gradually work your way down all the way to the tips. Cover your hair with a shower cap or some plastic wrap and wrap it in a hot and moist towel. Replace the towel with a new, warmer one once you feel the previous has cooled off.

Keep your hair wrapped for about 45 minutes and then you can wash it off with a mild shampoo (you can use baby shampoo).

Note: People suffering from high blood pressure are advised not to use this rosemary treatment.

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Drink One Glass Of Rice Water And See What Will Happen To Your Body – You Will Be Amazed!

Drink One Glass Of Rice Water And See What Will Happen To Your Body – You Will Be Amazed!

I don’t really think that someone drinks the rice water after we cook our rice. Well, this is probably because we didn’t know that this rice water is loaded with healthy nutrients and it can provide many health benefits for us and our health in general. Just a single cup of rice water a week can improve your health on so many levels.

In this article we are going to show you why you should waste this rice water and why you should drink it:
It is a good source of energy
Rice water is loaded with carbohydrates, which means that it will provide a lot of energy for the entire day. The human body needs carbohydrates for energy, so a glass of rice water in the morning is the best wat to start your day. You should also drink rice water when you feel tired or lack of energy.
It prevents constipation
You should also know that rice water is rich in fiber, which means that it’s very useful and beneficial for regular bowel movements. The starch in the rice water motivates the development of useful bacteria in the stomach.
Prevents dehydration
During the hot summer days, we lose a lot of water through sweating and rice water is perfect to prevent dehydration and loss of nutrients. This is why you should drink rice water, especially in the summer.
Effectively treats symptoms of viral infections
You should also know that rice water is often used as a natural remedy for fever, because it restores lost nutrients and loss of fluids. The rice water will accelerate the healing process and the patient will recover much faster.
Rice water relieves symptoms of diarrhea
Rice water turns out to be an amazing home solution for treating diarrhea.  You should also know that it’s completely safe for children, even newborns, who are more susceptible to stomach discomforts.  A recent study has found that rice water can effectively relieve the symptoms of diarrhea in infants
Prevents Cancer
You should also know that if you drink rice water more often, your organism will be much more powerful to fight against many ailments – even cancer. This means that rice water can prevent cancer.
Prevents Alzheimer
A recent study has found that drinking cooked rice water can prevent the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease. This is also one of the other great advantages of drinking cooked rice water.
Protection from Sun
Rice water contains high amounts of the compound – oryzanol. This powerful substance prevents the harmful UV beams from the sun. Use rice water to offer your skin some assistance with taking the sun’s heat.

How to make rice water:
You just have to follow the simple instructions. Here’s what you need to do – you just have to boil the rice in some fresh water. After it’s cooked well, strain the water in a separate container. Enjoy your rice water. We really hope you find this article helpful and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. Thank You.

10 Minutes Exercise That Would Make You To Have A Flat Stomach In Just 2 Weeks

10 Minutes Exercise That Would Make You To Have A Flat Stomach In Just 2 Weeks

You do not have to bother to make an infinite number of sit-ups to get a flat stomach. Actually, we found the easiest exercise to achieve a flat stomach, and the best is that fitness experts say is more effective than sit-ups.

The secret of this exercise called “stomach suction” could not be simpler – just have to breathe properly.
“In this exercise, breathing activates and strengthens the deepest abdominal muscles so you just create contractions,” explains Rick Sturla – personal trainer in the British Centre for Healthy- Results Health & Performance.

If you do it properly, you will strengthen the entire middle section of the body and stabilize the spine – which will remove the pain from the lower part of the body and improve your posture. This technique of deep breathing and “vacuuming” air in belly is part of Pilates and yoga, but you can do apart from these types of exercises.

  1. Once you are awake (it would be ideal on an empty stomach while you are still in bed) Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet, leaning against the mattress. Inhale and exhale deeply and suck in your stomach so hard that you want navel to “stick” to the spine. The more they suck in the stomach the stronger contraction and effectiveness.
  2. Hold your belly drawn at least 15 seconds to start, and your progress lengthen the duration until 60 seconds if necessary and taking shallow breaths dropping. Repeat 3 to 5 times.
  3. When you are ready for the heavier version, do the exercise kneeling on your knees and hands, sitting upright on a chair or ball for Pilates.

If you regularly perform this exercise for a flat stomach, eating a healthy diet and taking exercise with your usual practice, you will probably notice results even in 2 weeks.

How To Remove Underarm Hair In Just 2 Minutes

How To Remove Underarm Hair In Just 2 Minutes

Underarms hygiene is very important, our underarms bring several aesthetical issues such as unwanted hairs, odor and sweat.

When removing the underarm hair, also the problem with the smell is reduced significantly. But removing hair on a daily basis can be annoying especially for many people it grow very fast.

In today’s article we will show you how to remove your underarm hairs, this procedure is very effective with no pain and most importantly all the ingredients that are used are 100% natural, rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.

We should not forget that the skin is also of great importance for our overall health. Everything that we apply on our skin ends up in our bloodstream.

Method #1

Traditional method in Asia is for women to wax their unwanted hair with sugar. This method that is centuries old is very effective and simple. Just combine 1 tablespoon of sugar and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and make a paste. Apply the paste on your armpit and leave the mix for several minutes. Finally remove the paste with a clean cloth. Repeat this procedure every day for two weeks and the hair on your underarms will recedes.

Method #2

Mix ½ tablespoon of corn flour and 1 egg in order to make a paste. Place the paste on your underarms and leave it to dry. After that just wash that area with water.

Method #3

Mix 1 tablespoon of turmeric and 2 tablespoons of milk. Put the paste on your armpits and let it stay for several minutes. At the end, wash the place with water

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Add 1 Teaspoon of this Mixture to Your Coffee to Boost Weight Loss!

Add 1 Teaspoon of this Mixture to Your Coffee to Boost Weight Loss!

Not only is a fresh cup of coffee a warm and delicious drink in the morning, it also boasts multiple health benefits. The caffeine in coffee can kick-start your metabolism in the morning, and drinking it in moderation can promote a healthy heart and protect against several illnesses.

If you love your morning cup of joe and you happen to be trying to lose a few extra pounds, you’re in luck. Adding just a few simple ingredients into your routine cup of coffee will help accelerate your metabolism, burn more calories and melt away stubborn fat that your body just can’t seem to get rid of. All you’ll need is some cinnamon, coconut oil, and honey. You can also add some cocoa if you’d like! Here’s why it works:


Cinnamon has been known for its powerful medicinal properties for centuries. It’s loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that help fight infections and inflammation in the body. It also reduces blood sugar levels in the body to keep you feeling full longer, aiding in the weight loss process. Cinnamon is believed to increase blood sugar metabolism to break down sugar for energy, allowing less fatty acids to be stored in the body. There are two types of cinnamon: Cassia and Ceylon. Ceylon is known as “true cinnamon,” and it’s believed to be more beneficial, so stick to Ceylon!

Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil is a fat, but it’s a healthy fat! While most fats contain long-chain fatty acids, coconut oil consists almost entirely of medium-chain fatty acids which metabolize differently. They are sent straight to the liver from the digestive tract, where they are either used for energy right away or turned into ketone bodies, instead of being stored in the body as fat. Coconut oil is a natural thermogenic, so it increases both metabolism and energy expenditure, resulting in more efficient fat burning!


Yes, honey contains sugar. Usually, in order to digest sugar, the body uses stored vitamins and minerals that are essential to dissolving fats, reducing the amount of vitamins and minerals in the body. Honey actually contains nutrients, including iron, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc and calcium, so the digestion process is balanced between the sugar and nutrients.

Honey is also a good source of vitamins, including folate, niacin, riboflavin, Vitamin C and Vitamin B6. Research has shown that honey can increase levels of good cholesterol in the body, reducing stress on the heart and allowing people to lead a more active and healthy life to further promote weight loss. You’ll want to use raw, unfiltered, unpasteurized organic honey for the best results.


1 teaspoon of cinnamon
3/4 cup of coconut oil
1/2 cup of raw honey


Mix all ingredients together until you get a smooth mixture.
Store it in a cup and cover it.

To Use:

When you pour yourself a fresh cup of coffee in the morning, add 1-2 teaspoons of the prepared mix to your coffee while it’s still hot.
Stir and drink!

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Say Goodbye To Grey Hair: The Simplest Recipe That You Can Make At Home

Say Goodbye To Grey Hair: The Simplest Recipe That You Can Make At Home

Due to the fast and unhealthy lifestyle, many people nowadays have problem with premature aging.

In this article we present you the fastest and easiest way to solve this problem is hair coloring.

In the stores, there are many dangerous chemicals included in hair dyes that surely will cause severe damage to your hair.

So, there is natural solution that will help you to solve this problem safely and effectively.

But, first let’s see what causes the grey hair:

Aging causes appearance of grey hair due to the fact that human body doesn’t produce melanin which makes the hair gray, silvery or white.

Genetic Causes

If your family has history of premature aging, there is a high possibility that you will have this problem too.


Lack of sleep in combination with unhealthy diet could cause grey hair because the body isn’t provided with the needed nutrients.


Most of people experience way too much stress at work, while travelling or at home. Stress and lack of sleep could result with gray hair even at younger age.

The solution of grey hair

Coconut oil is the perfect remedy for grey hair. Coconut oil will make your hair stronger, shinier, longer and much more beautiful. It is rich source of vitamins and minerals, carbohydrates and healthy fats that nourish your hair.

How to use coconut oil for gray hair

For 20 seconds warm up 2 – 3 tablespoons of coconut oil. Apply it on the roots of your hair by gently massaging with your fingers. Leave it act for 10 minutes in order to allow the follicles moisturize with oil. Wash it off with warm water. Then you can shampoo your hair as you always do and at the end finish with the hair conditioner.

Iterate the same procedure every day in order to have positive results.

With regular use of coconut oil, you certainly will get rid of gray hair and also you will have much healthier and stronger hair.

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